The 12 Week Year

It's crunch time. 

Your biggest wins could be in the next 12 weeks.

Here's how...

It might not feel like it just yet but the end of the year is creeping up fast. If you’re like most creatives, you’re probably thinking, “Where did the time go?” 

I’ve been reading a book that I think is perfect to share right now—it couldn’t be better timed for today.

The 12 Week Year

Do you remember what you set out to accomplish with your new years resolutions and plans? Probably not.

Here's the thing though. It’s not about waiting for 2025 to magically be “your year.” It’s about focusing in just the next 12 weeks.

Going along with the idea of routines I talked about last week. The 12 Week Year helps put focus and action into shorter sprints. 

What Is The 12 Week Year?
You treat 12 weeks like a year. That feeling you always get at the start of the year where you write out your goals and make all these plans? Every 12 weeks becomes a sprint where you lock in on that energy.
Why does this work?
It creates urgency. With a shorter timeline, you are more directly connected to the day to day tasks.
12 weeks is within your vision of planning. You know roughly what you have on the calendar in the next 12 weeks. The deadline is within sight and that sense of pressure drives action.
Why Creatives Should Care
As a freelance creative, you’re balancing a ton—client work, passion projects, invoicing, outreach, trying to build something that’s uniquely yours.
The 12 Week Year forces you to focus in on what really matters.


Ready to direct this final stretch of the year? Here’s the quick breakdown:

1. Pick Your Top 1-3 Goals

Don’t overcomplicate it. What do you actually want to accomplish? Health? Business development? Finish a project?

Be real with yourself.

Is it launching a new product? Growing your email list? Running a half-marathon? Whatever it is, hone in as much as you can choosing just 1-3.

2. Break It Down Weekly

You’ve got 12 weeks. Each week should push you closer to the finish line. Maybe you’re spending one week on strategy, another on design, another on execution. Step-by-step, keep it moving. Within those weekly goals you might have daily tasks as well.

3. Daily Check-In

Ask yourself at the end of each day: did I hit my targets today?

Make your plan for tomorrow so your ready to go without having to think about what to do.

4. Reflect & Adjust

At the end of each week, check in. Did you hit your targets? If not, why? Make adjustments and move ahead. The point is to evolve as you go.

12 Weeks to Finish Strong

Whether you’re a designer, video editor, or content creator, the 12 Week Year method will help you dial in and finish 2024 on a high note.

You don’t need more time, you need a better system of routines.

Want to read more? Check out The 12 Week Year. It goes deep into how you can better take action. I've been getting a lot out of this book.

Here’s where you can grab it:

📚 Get the Book

🎧 Listen to the Audiobook


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