The Power of Routines

I've been thinking a lot about routines lately.
Does this sound familiar? 
You constantly feel buried under your to-do list.
There's not enough time in the day to get everything done.
You ask yourself "What should I do right now?"
Overwhelmed by choice, you decide to check instagram or emails.
You feel like your spinning your wheels and not getting ahead.
As a freelance creative, I used to resist routines. I thought I craved novelty—the freedom of no plan, no calendar, no schedule.
I believed it made me more of an artist - if I felt like creating, I’d create, and if I didn’t, I wouldn’t.
Funny enough, I did have a routine—having no routine. And you know what?
It kept me in a constant state of anxiety and overwhelm.
Now, it seems so obvious. I didn’t realize how much stress I was causing myself by not making myself a set of routines.
I've come to understand how powerful and freeing they actually are, especially for creativity and freelance life. 
Good routines set you free.
Here’s what routines actually do:
Simplify decision-making: When you have a set routine, you focus on the task at hand. You've already decided (in advance) what you’ll be working on. This frees up so much mental space—you’re no longer constantly deciding what's next.
Build momentum: Small daily progress outperforms sporadic bursts of effort. Whether you’re losing weight, building a client list, or launching a new product—consistency builds momentum.
Reduce stress: With a routine, you don't feel guilty about logging off. You've scheduled your work and relaxation time, so there’s no constant feeling of not getting enough done.
Create resilience: Mentally and physically, routines provide stability. In the unpredictable world of freelance, having structure gives you predictability. You might not know when the next job will come, but you know that every Monday at 10 AM, you’re sending out 10 cold emails.
Here are a few routines I have set up for myself.
Mondays: Client research and outreach.

Fridays: Bookkeeping—keeping track of my numbers so I’m not scrambling later.
Mid-day workouts: Running, lifting, or just a walk around the block—it's a great way to break up the day. Plus, one of the perks of freelancing is hitting the gym when it's less crowded :)
10PM: Start winding down, get off screens. (Quality sleep is tough one for me)
Monthly: I batch my newsletter. Writing and designing multiple newsletters at once saves time and frees up my schedule (and mental space) for weeks.
Quarterly: I have a go-to spa here in New York. Each quarter I plan a recharge day - sauna, cold plunge, and reflection. It’s my time to look at what’s working and what areas need more attention.
So I'll ask you... what do your routines look like? What could be simplified to give you more time for the things that truly matter?
Stay consistent and stay creative my friends. 

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